This web application computes and displays statistics about an AS, using BGP data from RIS.
The goal is to compare the IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity of an AS.

It was created during the RIPE IPv6 hackathon in Copenhagen, 4-5 November 2017.

BGP AS-path length


BGP interconnection score for AS X

The score is between 0 and 1, and measures the similarity of IPv4 and IPv6 BGP interconnection.
A score of 1 means that the IPv4 and IPv6 peers are identical.

Simple query

This tool will look for Atlas probes in the given AS, and use them to compute colocated IPv4 and IPv6 prefixes. It then computes statistics on the BGP reachability of these prefixes.

Advanced query

This tool will directly compare BGP reachability of the two prefixes. For a meaningful comparison, they should be "colocated" prefixes, i.e. be announced by the same BGP router